
New Website Launched!

MUSE-UM 的視覺形象希望能表達出「平靜」與「像水」的想法。因此我們聯想到沒有水的游泳池能提供給人一種簡單、平靜的氣氛。游泳池裡充滿著有系統的元素,以條理性的語言與每個進入泳池的人溝通。有如設計工作需要用理性與冷靜的方式去處理激情的發想,直至問題解決。

MUSE-UM像是一個開放的游泳池,讓每次進來這個游泳池的工作像水一般,應型而塑。是時候暢泳了,歡迎來到 MUSE-UM.co .


The visual image of MUSE-UM aims to express an idea of “Peaceful” and “Be Water”. Thus we came up with the “Empty Pool” concept – a swimming pool with no water providing a simple, calm atmosphere. Filled with systematic elements, the pool communicates to people who have access to it with clear and rational language. This is the exact way a rational designer works – solving the problem with calm and rationality while being passionate!

MUSE-UM is an open “Pool”, we let the works we receive “Be Water” and fill the “Pool” to shape. It’s time to swimming… Welcome to MUSE-UM.co