










The Gentle Exile Chinese Poems


2009 Elvis Mo asked MUSE-UM to create a collection of his poems and calligraphers. This collection includes visual identity planning and publication design. Since then our design has an intersection with the independent literature which takes root in Macao.

The design direction is basic on Elvis's writing habit in poems and calligraphers. The majority of his works are in a vertical way to write . Then we led the audience to read and enjoy those works by using a horizontal way to spread out the book. The collection also goes through the research of Chinese ancient's reading habits in the bamboo slip. We try to design the cover in the book margin when we roll up the book then the cover appears clearly. At the same time, this design also echoes with the theme, the gentle exile.
年份 Year
客戶 Client
澳門詩人,邢悅 | Elvis Mok, Macao Poet
項目 Project
出版物 | Publications