透過《Sense Isolated》兩位Player分別體驗視覺和聽覺的官能障礙,信任彼此、合力尋找出口。小心電鋸!
This is a game based on the inspiration of transmission that 2 players will experience blindness and deafness. Even mobile phone is very common and friendly use, it is still hard for sone of the handicaped . In this game P1 controls the phone according to the instruction of P2 . P1 can only see the screen and step forward while P2 can only listen to the sound of the environment. Both players will either escape or blocked in a dark dangerous place .
年份 Year
客戶 Client
Global Game Jam @ Macao 2018 #GGJ #GGJ2018
項目 Project
互動設計 | Interactive Design
製作人員 Credit
Creative Team :
Benny Tang / Gigi Lee / Siuming Wong / Tam Chak Ian