








Red & Blue Student Iterary Journal



In order to encourage the students to keep continue writing, the first student literary journal “Red And Blue” amend by teachers and students. This publication which includes poetry, prose and drama are launched by Pui Ching Middle School of Macao.

Comparing with other literary journal, as a student writing essays, every article acquire to a meticulously section in order to it in a certain quality. According to the charicitic of publication itself, MUSE-UM paticipate to every planning of this periodical, such as layout editing, the invastgation of it's size and it's bookbinding. Red and blue is the representative colour of Pui Ching Middle School, so the periodical also estend this feature to the visual image. There are seveal simbles which come from student's blue ink and teacher's red ink. They interspersed through the whole periodical. This design not only echo with the title of the periodical but also highlight the relationship between students and teachers.
年份 Year
客戶 Client
澳門培正中學 | Pui Ching Middle School of Macao
項目 Project
出版物 | Publications