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澳門競成三十二年 A-Z
KengSeng 32 - Font design

在澳門經營了32年的競成美術設計用品店在2017年結業,主要負責人 Jennie : 「1985開始在競成上班,時常擔心解答不了顧客查詢的問題,由零開始,每天都努力學習,包括顏料的種類,畫布的尺寸及美術用具的品種名稱等等,後來也自學個人電腦及葡語。」Jennie 積極敬業的學習態度,喚起我們小時候學英語從 "A" for Apple 開始學習26個字母,把這過程和競成/Jennie 扣連,"A" for What ? Jennie 說 "A" 一定是 Acrylic (丙稀顏料),我們和Jennie一起編出了KengSeng 32年的 "A" - "Z"目錄,包括競成曾經提供過的美術工具及設計行業術語,當中有些用品已經停產,看看你又知道多少 ?

設計把 "A-Z 目錄" 收入到字型檔案的默認連字 (Ligature) 之中,當輸入英文字串就會自動轉換成相應符號,過往大家能欣賞我們的設計作品,這次更可以使用,提供下載安裝,從字型接觸你、我和競成。

KengSeng 32 (Font Design)
interviewing about the moments of engagement for 32 years, hopes to let design works to have a better connection among people, as well as participation. Initially this typeface design is used as a media, is available for download, in order to have a relation of you all, us along with Keng Seng, to take over competition through cooperation. Previously you could enjoy our works, this time you could join and have fun with our fonts!

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年份 Year
製作人員 Credit
Font Designed by : Benny Tang / Rainbow Fung @ 未可視設計

由 未可視設計發起,在沒有任何預算的情況下開始,要感謝MIRAGE VISUAL(影像攝錄及剪輯) 的仝人,Simon及Rainbow Fung響應。 have an collaboration with MIRAGE VISUALS for a short film of recording Jennie Chan, the head of Keng Seng trading agency,