IMG_6232 4







Cattention Please!

MUSE-UM受「藝術著陸雀仔園2013」活動邀請成為其活動創作藝術家的一員,創作了“Cattention Please!”這一裝置。

貓咪時雀仔園社區裡不可缺少的一員,它們一直都以隱性身份生活在這個空間中。每隻貓咪都由自己的名字,街坊見面打招呼之餘也向貓咪問好,因此建立了獨特的鄰里關係。儘管如此,貓咪失竊事件時有發生,未能杜絕。“Cattention Please!”這一巨型貓咪裝置嘗試把貓的個性直接顯示在社區,放大的貓咪特徵希望讓途人直視貓咪在這一社區的存在。

尺寸:1.2m x 1m x 2m | 媒材:金屬、PVC膠版

As a member of artists, MUSE-UM invited by “Art Lands on the Bird Paradise 2013- Community Art Project” to participate in, so we created an installation “Cattention Please!”.

Those cats live in Horta da Mitra district (Bird Paradise) becoming the indispensable members which hidden in our space. Every cat lives here has their own name. The people lives here would bring a greeting to their neighbours, at the same time they also will say hello to those cats. Therefore cats and people build up a distinctive relationship with each other. In spite of this, cats stolen problems still happen very often in this community and even fail to stop. So we hoped “Cattention Please!” the big cat ears installation could show the specific character of cats in the street to let passersby could look at them, directly to feel they also occupy a part of people's lives and space.

Size: 1.2m x1m x 2m | Material: Metal, PVC slab
年份 Year
客戶 Client
藝術著陸雀仔園-社區藝術計劃2013 | Art Lands on the Bird Paradise 2013-Community Art Project
項目 Project
裝置 | Installation